Brahas Technology E-Commerce Concept

Before buying or placing orders, we strongly advise to understand our E-Shopping application. Support for purchases are limited to E-Mail only and the response will be at least 2 business days.


When you select a product and check-out you will be asked to login to the system. If you are a new user, you can opt to register as new user. You will be sent a confirmation link to your e-mail address. Hence it is pertinent to provide right e-mail address. You can also Click on “User Area” to login”

Invoice and Order Confirmation:

When you Check-out, you will be asked to provide address as well. For downloads applications, these address are not required, though we strongly advice to provide the right address so in future if you are buying any goods that need to be shipped to your address you do not have to make any corrections.

Once you check out a product, an Invoice will be created and an e-Mail will be sent to you with the subject: “Your order No. ### is now created at” Where ### is the order no. The mail will look something like this:

Create Order Info
Create Order Info

If the products you have selected are not free, you will be taken to PayPal Payment Gateway where you can pay for the product. Once the payment process is complete, your order will be completed. 

Once this done, you will get a second e-mail with the subject: “Your order No. ### is now confirmed at  where ### will be your Invoice No.

Please note these two emails are your Tax Invoice and Receipt. We will charge extra if you need additional Invoices. However these Invoices are always available for you to download from our site.

A Sample of Confirmation Email is provided below:

Confirmed Order Mail
Confirmed Order Mail

The link for the product you have ordered will be provided on the confirmed order. You can now download the products and save the mail for future reference.

Future Reference:

If you have lost your mail or if you need to access your orders, you can always log into our site. Once logged in click on “User Areal” and then select Orders. The Screen shots below shows Orders and Order lists

Order List
Order List

You will find a list of all your orders here. Clicking on any of the order list will provide the details of the order as shown below:

You can always access your ordered files by clicking on the Files section.

Downloadable File Access
Downloadable File Access

We hope you enjoy our products. Please do not forget to leave a comment at the product screen. We are happy to hear from you.

From Brahas Technology Support Team